About Me

Okay, since August 2005 I’ve been working on what people call the freebie scene; getting stuff for free and to tell the truth, its worked well for me, in a matter of 2 years I’ve received the following through means of competitions, free samples and signing up with freebie networks…

MacBook, 20gig iPod Photo, 4gig iPod Mini, 4gig iPod Nano, 30gig iPod Video, 1gig iPod Shuffle, £640 Amazon Vouchers, £110 Cash, £6 Cinema Ticket, lost count x
£4 PineCone Vouchers,
WarioWare and Rayman for the Wii, i-Penguin, Noise Magnets, Rocky Beenie Hat,
Fat Trap, Shrek Keyring, 2 x NineBlackAlps
2 x World Premier Tickets of The Open Door -
South Park CD, Free
Roses (flowers) during the Floods,
Dairy Milk and Meet
the Parents/Fockers DVD Box Set,
32" HDTV
- Giving me a total of roughly £2415.99

Okay so don’t get me wrong, that’s a lot of stuff but now I want to try something different, something with a bit more involvement, something with more hands on and more of an adventure to it. That’s when I came across
Kyle MacDonald. Who you ask, well Kyle was the guy that traded his red paper clip for a house (okay so there’s more to it which can be found here) through means of playing a bit of Bigger or Better. He started with his paper clip and one year, 14 trades later; he ended up with a house. Now I’m not aiming for something as big as that, maybe just a new phone or games console or even something completely different but the main thing about my adventure is, I just want to see where it leads me.

If you got any questions, feel free to get in touch

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